
Al Brooks Price Action Course Review

Al Brooks is an esteemed author of trading books who is famous for his technical analysis. His techniques focus on understanding market movements rather than looking at individual companies’ financial statements.

Price Action Course provides comprehensive instruction across all markets and market conditions – be they stocks, commodities, Forex or crypto. It provides valuable lessons regardless of your chosen trading area – be it stocks, commodities or Forex.

The Getting Started Videos

Al Brooks is a professional day trader, Trader Room speaker, author, lecturer and technical analysis contributor for Futures magazine. With over three decades of trading experience as both an MD and now teaching price action and forex trading at his online course.

Al’s Getting Started Videos offer novice traders an introduction to day trading, from understanding candlesticks and signals to reading support/resistance levels and trading the market cycle using charts/trend lines.

Video content is organized clearly, with Al describing his plans at the start of each lesson. Videos can be adjusted in speed to make learning easy, while each lesson also provides PDF downloads. Al is an engaging and motivating teacher and his videos provide plenty of useful information.

The Intermediate Videos

Al’s Price Action Course is an immersive day trading training program. It teaches traders to read the market and develop profitable trading strategies across any market environment. Though not easy, this course provides immense value at an excellent price point.

The first 34 videos will introduce the basics of trading: support and resistance, measured moves, major trend reversals, flags triangles and double tops and bottoms. Furthermore, you’ll be introduced to Trader’s Equation Probability Protective Stops Actual Risks Scaling In.

Once you’ve watched all intermediate videos, you’ll be ready to apply these techniques in any market. The Brooks trading course is both low-priced and comprehensive. In addition, Al provides access to his daily price action blog that updates before markets open and again after they close; furthermore he pays special attention to market phases and cycles.

The Advanced Videos

Al Brooks is a world renowned expert on price action trading, having published multiple books and providing online webinars and educational videos on this topic. Additionally, Al actively trades the markets each day they are open.

His price action course provides an immersive learning experience. Comprised of over 98 hours worth of videos spanning 190 videos, this comprehensive collection covers Price Action Fundamentals and How To Trade respectively.

These introductory videos are tailored to accommodate newcomers to day trading and cover the fundamentals. Topics addressed in these videos may include terminology, candlestick patterns, trading desk setup and setup procedures as well as traits associated with successful traders as well as market cycles and more.

Once you’ve mastered the introductory videos, it’s time to dive deeper into Al’s price action methodology. Here, his course truly becomes worthwhile; Al covers every aspect of day trading from patterns, times of the day trading and scalping all the way through to reversal patterns and exhaustion.

The Final Words

Al Brooks, 71-years old former medical eye surgeon turned price action trading guru. Using principles outlined in his Brooks Trading Course e-learning modules and lifetime access after payment. Al is known for trading Emini, bonds, currencies, gold, crude oil and stocks using his expertise to trade Emini futures, bonds, currencies gold crude oil stocks.

Though new traders may be tempted to bypass the initial module, it’s essential that they go through it thoroughly. This module teaches the essentials of chart reading, terminology, trade desk setup and traits of successful traders while covering market cycles as well as controlling emotions.

Al Brooks has also published four books. “Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar”, released in 2009, details the fundamentals of trading price action and why markets move. In 2011, his book ‘Trading Price Action Trends’ was published; then in 2012 his books “Trading Price Action Reversals” and “Trading Price Action Ranges” followed suit. In addition to these works, Al maintains an active online presence via Facebook and YouTube.