
Essential Food For Survival


Food storage should always be considered essential, particularly during an emergency. It would be best to focus on long-lasting foods that provide the energy you will need for survival. Read the Best info about long term food stores.

Avoid foods that require refrigeration and extended cooking times, like dry beans, rice, and pasta, since you may lack access to cooking fuel.

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are energy-rich snacks that make great additions to survival food kits. Easy to store and consume over long periods without spoiling, dried fruits can provide energy when needed and even act as an alternative option when fresh fruit may not be readily available. They come in various flavors, acting as an emergency replacement when necessary.

Drying fruits is a process that removes most of the water content and concentrates their natural sugars, lengthening their shelf-life. Dried fruit may also be coated in sugary syrups to add flavor and sweetness; when purchasing dried fruit, it is wise to opt for products without added sugars. You can learn this information by reading its label.

Raisins, figs, and prunes (dried plums) are rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamins A and C, as well as phytochemicals, which may provide anti-inflammatory benefits and could protect against cancer risk; some studies have even discovered an inverse relationship between dried fruit consumption and cancer incidence and mortality rates.

When selecting dried fruit, it’s essential that it has been treated with minimal chemicals and is free from genetic modification. Variety is critical; buying multiple types and flavors provides excellent nutrition and variety. Dried fruits also contain many powerful antioxidants that can help fight chronic inflammation that contributes to heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Dried Beans

Dried beans are one of the essential staples to include in your long-term survival food supply, being both affordable and nutritionally dense. Rich in proteins and carbs, beans contain various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and are an excellent source of soluble fiber, folate, potassium, and iron.

Dried bean consumption is more prevalent among vegetarians, but even meat eaters should store an ample supply. When stored properly, beans can last up to five years before beginning to degrade and lose nutritional value.

When purchasing dried beans for long-term storage, select ones that are fresh and dark in color. Any with faded or shriveled spots should be avoided as these will be less healthy and harder to cook. Dried beans should be stored in an airtight jar or container with an airtight lid in an excellent dry environment away from sunlight and moisture.

To maximize the flavor of dried beans, it is best to cook them with fat or seasoning. For instance, adding chunks of ham to the cooking water will add flavor and tenderize them, while another great way of seasoning your dried beans would be using either smoked ham bones or pieces of pork saltback as added flavors.

Dried Potato Flakes

If you stockpile food for long-term emergencies, dried potato flakes should be part of your pantry. They’re one of the most versatile and valuable foods available, providing access to endless recipes and making cooking simpler while providing essential carbohydrates.

Dried potato flakes are flat chunks of dehydrated mashed potatoes. To create them, potatoes must first be cooked, mashed, shredded with rollers onto a drum surface, and quickly dried until their humidity reaches the desired levels. After this step, scrapping occurs off the drum before the mashed potatoes layer is scraped, crushed through a mill sifter, and packed. Blanching and cooling of these processed reconstituted flakes help maintain firm textures, as does an additive known as a monoglyceride emulsifier to keep athletic surfaces for later consumption.

When storing potato flakes, an airtight container will help ensure their longevity. Tin cans tend to work best here; alternatively, you could purchase resealable bags of potato flakes that will do the same job.

If you use a dehydrator to store your potato flakes, line each pan with parchment paper to prevent scorching during dehydration.


Honey is often recommended in survival prepping books as an effective food preservative due to its natural antimicrobial properties and delicious taste – not only as an ingredient in baked goods but as a replacement for sugar in recipes!

Store raw honey at room temperature when properly sealed to preserve more of its beneficial enzymes, and keep for up to 10 years at room temperature when adequately sealed.

Humans have consumed honey for millennia. It was even mentioned in the Old Testament as an excellent food source. Apis mellifera bees produce most of the honey humans use, though other varieties may also make it.

Maintaining an emergency food stockpile is vital to survival, as it will protect you against disasters that disrupt local and global food production. Aim to have between 7 to 10 pounds per person of each food item plus water stored away in case of emergencies; these foods will supply your body with essential vitamins and calories needed for survival. You should also include in your emergency kit tools to respond quickly in disaster or other emergencies and items for treating injuries like bandages and gauze bandages.


Sugar often gets short shrift when it comes to survival preparation, but having access to a supply can be invaluable in an emergency. Beyond providing calories, sugar has many uses, from cleaning wounds and preventing infections to delivering an energy boost when combined with water.

Refined sugar will last around 30 years in dry storage conditions, making it a vital addition to any bug-out bag or stockpile. Honey also offers multiple health benefits that should be stored away; its antifungal, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties help soothe coughs and sore throats while providing natural sweetness – plus, storage is easy!

Stockpiling grains is essential to any survival diet. Packed with fiber, protein, and carbohydrates, they’re easily stored for several years in bags or containers to provide foundational nutrients in times of emergency. Essential grains to stockpile include hard and soft wheat, brown rice, millet, barley, and pinto and black beans containing folate, protein, and manganese – essential nutrients that should not be underestimated!


Salt should be one of the cornerstones of every prepper’s pantry. Not only is it indispensable in cooking and baking, but its multiple uses extend far beyond these essential functions. Salt is an indispensable staple that provides vital nourishment in times of emergency; its long-term survival benefits make it invaluable in times of hardship.

Salt can help preserve foods such as meat, fish, and eggs by drawing out moisture that breeds bacteria. Furthermore, it increases the water’s boiling point, making cooking faster and more efficient and cleaning away stubborn stains from pots and pans more efficiently.

NaCl is essential for human survival, helping nerve impulses travel smoothly, and muscles operate correctly. Without enough sodium in our diets, fluid retention increases, leading to dehydration, headaches, confusion, and fatigue.

Salt is an economical and practical substance that lasts indefinitely in suitable conditions such as cool and dry storage. To prolong shelf life, store unrefined pure salt without processing or additives; this will be less hygroscopic and retain its shape better when sealed into containers. Iodized varieties should also be purchased to prevent deficiency of iodine.

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