
Food Handlers Should Not Wear Jewelry While Working

Food workers should avoid wearing jewelry other than wedding bands while working. Any rings could puncture your gloves and spread pathogens onto their hands.

Sneezing, coughing, and runny nose can produce saliva and mucus, contaminating food items, equipment, utensils, and linens, including your gloves.

Drinking Stations

Some food businesses employ drink stations in their production areas. Although this is an effective and beneficial strategy, certain conditions must be fulfilled to make this solution safe for a food business. Be sure only to offer water at these provisions and store them away from food and production equipment/utensils to limit where a food handler’s lips come into contact with cups containing allergens or prevent allergens from being introduced into foods through handling. Furthermore, ensure the cups have flip-top lids with straws that go into them – an example would prevent hands from coming in contact with their lips as opposed to touching lips that come into contact with cups featuring an open top with straw that goes into its lid for safe operation of this option.


Tea at work can relax and rejuvenate; it helps combat fatigue and even severe sleep deprivation. With all the pressure to complete work in time for deadlines, employees often become mentally and physically exhausted; drinking hot tea helps them relax and rehydrate. Staying hydrated improves circulation and digestion and leads to improved performance at work, making tea available in drinking stations even more accessible and more convenient than before – no more carrying around an entire teapot! Simply grab one from their drinking station – saving both time AND mess!


Juice may seem an unusual choice to include at a drinking station, but it has proven popular in some workplaces. While its noise may be distracting initially, juice lovers know its advantages are worth their while regarding the taste and health benefits of fresh-pressed green smoothies or fruit and vegetable juice.

Juicing has quickly become an established food trend in North America. There are various recipes online – Oh She Glows’ classic green monster comes to mind here; Back to Her Roots offers several more alternatives, while Simple Green Smoothies and Veg Kitchen provide guidance.

Store-bought juice should also be readily available to help employees regulate their blood sugar levels during diabetic episodes. In one notable instance, a Tennessee Dollar General cashier sued for wrongful termination after she requested permission to keep orange juice in her wallet in case seizures and passing out were necessary due to low blood sugar. Unfortunately, they refused, leading to a large settlement payout for the plaintiff.