
How Much is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a cosmetic procedure that transfers fat to the buttocks through transference by plastic surgeons. The cost can vary based on numerous factors, including their experience and expertise and any additional treatments needed during this procedure.

Glancey adheres to UK guidelines and limits how much fat she inserts. This is essential to prevent fat embolization, which may lead to pulmonary embolism and death.


BBL surgery is considered elective and therefore does not fall under insurance coverage. On average, it costs approximately $4,800, but this price may differ significantly depending on the surgeon and location. Furthermore, this does not account for anesthesia fees, facility charges, post-surgery garments, or medicines needed afterward.

Many low-budget clinics offering BBL treatments advertise them on social media for as little as $27 a month, sometimes even partnering with medical credit companies to attract clients who could otherwise not afford this procedure. Although such clinics may present lower risks of complications and infections than their more expensive counterparts, there still exists potential dangers with using such low-cost methods.

Glancey adheres to UK guidelines when providing fat grafting surgery, restricting how much she inserts – 300cc per buttock (less than half the size of a Coke can) per buttock. She advises patients that may require multiple operations to add gradual amounts at different intervals until completion is reached; half of her inquiries about the process come from black women feeling self-conscious without the curves they need for comfort.


BBL (buttock lift with liposuction and injection of excess fat from liposuction) can be an economical alternative to implant-based butt lifts and may provide long-term benefits that outstrip those offered by implants alone. The procedure entails liposuction to remove extra body fat before injecting it back into buttock area for injection into buttock area for firmer, fuller buttocks that fit better into certain clothes while improving balance and self-esteem – results may last years or even decades, d depending on weight/diet and exercise routine.

Under anesthesia, this process typically lasts several hours. A surgeon will stitch up areas where cuts were made before using a cannula to inject fat directly into your buttocks – fanning out and pressing deep under your skin until injected fat has been evenly distributed across it all. Finally, your surgeon will stitch up and wrap this area.

One of the main risks associated with liposuction procedures is fat embolism, a medical condition in which fat enters the bloodstream and blocks an artery or vein, potentially leading to serious medical issues and even fatality for some individuals. Others have experienced complications, including buttock asymmetry, scarring, and loss of fat cells.

Micro liposuction, the more modern version of liposuction, is much safer. This form of surgery uses ultrasound guidance to ensure proper insertion of fat. Unfortunately, however, it’s unsuitable for everyone and should only be undertaken by experienced plastic surgeons.

Some individuals may not qualify as good candidates for BBL because they do not possess enough excess fat to safely transfer. However, other options exist for enhancing buttocks enhancement such as Emsculpt – an all-natural, noninvasive procedure which builds muscle in this area to achieve similar results as BBL.

Even though BBL is a safe and effective procedure, its cost may be prohibitive due to not being covered by health insurance. To help cover its cost more efficiently, consider applying for a CareCredit credit card; it will allow you to make payments for both BBL and cosmetic surgeries not covered by health insurance plans – you can locate clinics accepting this credit card using our online tool.

Surgeon’s fee

Surgeon fees should be an essential component when estimating how much BBL will cost you. Surgery fees can differ significantly based on factors like surgeon, location and facility – with prices fluctuating over time if they become available or no longer are. Comparing facilities will help make an informed decision, while discussing potential procedures with potential surgeons beforehand can ensure they provide accurate estimates.

Price for surgical procedures generally varies based on how long and effort are put into performing them, as well as other expenses like anesthesia fees, facility charges, medical tests, anesthetist fees, and others which you’ll find listed on a surgeon’s fee schedule. Some of these expenses can become quite significant when performed in hospital environments.

Health insurance can help offset the costs of surgery. Plans like Medicare have negotiated discounts with service providers for their members that can save thousands. But some patients prefer paying out-of-pocket and should ask their doctor for an itemized bill that includes all expenses associated with surgery.

Surgeon fees for BBL surgery will likely be the costliest expense, but other fees you should be mindful of include anesthesia fees, anesthesiologist’s fees, facility fees and pathology services. You must also cover post-surgery care, such as surgical compression vests or medications.

The cost of procedures may also depend on how long they last in hospital; if they can leave within 24 hours after having surgery, your bill will be much smaller than if they remain more extended than this time.

Pre-surgical tests such as blood work and chest X-rays will likely incur costs to ensure you’re healthy enough for surgery without risk of complications. Your surgeon may also order imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs in order to ascertain if you’re an ideal candidate for the procedure.

In 2021, five Florida women died as the result of BBLs; this prompted Florida’s medical board to pass a temporary rule restricting how many BBLs surgeons could perform daily and mandating ultrasound guidance for fat grafting procedures to reduce risks from this popular cosmetic procedure.