
How to Use Selenium Webdriver With Python

You may have heard about Selenium Webdriver, but did you know that you can also use it in Python? It is a robust tool for testing the front end of a web application. And you can write your tests in multiple programming languages, including Python and Java. This tutorial is designed for software testing professionals and includes hands-on examples that show how to use Selenium Webdriver with Python. To start with the tutorial, you need to have a basic understanding of software testing.

GetText method

If you are looking for a simple yet powerful method to read the text value of a web element, you can use the GetText method in Selenium Python. This function will help you identify elements based on their text values. The method requires that the elements be in string format.

The getText method will retrieve the inner text of a WebElement and return it as a string, removing whitespaces. GetText should be used instead of findElement() or getElements() when using Selenium. Using the GetText method in Selenium will help you deliver a consistent experience on different browsers and devices. Cross-browser compatibility is crucial for feature tests.

Quit() method

The Quit() method is useful for destroying a browser instance. In the Selenium Python tutorial, the quit() method is used to destroy an instance of a web browser. It is particularly useful for reading text attributes of WebElements. For example, the getText() method returns the text attribute of the li6 element.

To close the current window, you can use the close() method. This method returns the current window but does not affect minimized windows. Similarly, the close() method closes all WebDriver windows. This method also closes all windows in the current browser session.


In Python, you can easily get the size of a window by using the Get_window_rect function. To do this, you just need to know the handle of the window. This will give you the size of the current window. You can then use this function to copy text from the current window, or take a screenshot.

Get_window_rect is used in the Selenium driver. It gives you the height and width of the current window and also sets a timeout to wait until the current frame has loaded. It also allows you to minimize or maximize associated windows, and refresh the current frame.


Selenium is a Python module that allows you to automate web pages. Selenium works by sending standard Python commands to a variety of browsers. These commands allow you to inspect a webpage’s source code. You can then use the results to improve your web pages.

Selenium is open-source, portable, and easy to use. This open-source tool allows you to perform a variety of automated tests on web applications. Its low learning curve and intuitive APIs make it easy to use. Its command sets are organized into many classes and are easy to understand. Using this tool reduces the amount of time required to test a website. This means lower costs for business clients.

Submit() method

In this Selenium Python tutorial, we’ll learn how to use the Submit() method to take screenshots of web pages. This method takes a screenshot as base64-encoded binary data and returns it to the user. It also retrieves the element dictionary and parent element of the current element.

The Submit() method is useful for submitting web forms. After entering the required data, this method will click the submit button.

PyUnit testing framework

Selenium PyUnit is a Python-based testing framework, developed by Selenium. It is often used for automated browser testing. The framework allows for parallel testing, which is a primary requirement for browser-based tests. It also supports a wide range of plugins and languages, including Python and Cucumber.

The framework is easy to use and requires little knowledge of Python. It requires a Python IDE and Python Package Manager.