
I Can’t Interfer, It’s a Canon Event

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse hasn’t just caused excitement at the box office; its release also initiated an exciting TikTok trend whereby users post videos about canon events from their lives.

Canon events are uncontrollable events that occur to us that connect us to our universe – such as losing someone close or being bitten by a spider.


Canon events are life-defining moments that cannot be altered or avoided, yet necessary for growth and development. Recently, this term has gained momentum on TikTok with many users sharing their own canon events or making jokes about those of others – perhaps spurred on by recent movies like Across The Spider-Verse where canon events are key themes.

Canon was originally developed within religious contexts but has since made its way into popular culture, particularly science fiction and fantasy genres. Canon refers to a set of rules and guidelines which establish which stories are considered “official” within any particular universe of fiction; similarly, it may refer to established storylines within literature, film, TV shows, or other media forms.

Canon refers to an event within a fictional universe that marks a character-defining moment or change, such as when one gets bitten by a spider and turns evil; it would be considered canon and have far-reaching effects across multiverses. Furthermore, when characters die in movie adaptations of books, it also counts as canon as it represents an official interpretation of them in real life.

Miguel O’Hara explains to Miles Morales in the new Spider-Man movie Across The Spider-Verse that canon events are life-altering moments that affect every version of them in the multiverse and must take place for balance and harmony to exist between universes; otherwise, disruption could create a Quantum Hole which would destroy their universe altogether.

As seen in the film, Miles interfering with his canon event of getting bitten by a spider could lead to the breakdown of Spider-Verse; however, some individuals argue there may be some leeway when defining “canon events.”

Some fans have proposed that a canon event is something like the meet-cute scene in a romantic comedy: where two main characters must meet unexpectedly and memorably to start their love story off right. Others consider moving in together between best friends as such an event as well.


Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has made more of an impact than expected with its release, becoming Sony’s highest-grossing animated film ever and sparking an unexpected TikTok trend: canon events. A canon event refers to pivotal moments that shape who we are today and may be good or bad, embarrassing or transformative — regardless, they all play an essential part in life and our journeys forward.

Canon dates back centuries, yet it is popularized most prominently today by science fiction and fantasy fandoms. These communities are deeply invested in their favorite media and often engage in extensive analysis, discussion, and revision of established canon. Canon provides essential continuity across universes as it shapes characters while contributing to world-building efforts and driving engagement with fictional universes.

Canon events are officially recognized events that form part of a fictional universe’s history and timeline, serving to maintain coherence and consistency in stories while providing a basis for discussion and analysis. Canon events should not be confused with mythology, timeline, and universe which often appear synonymous yet have their own respective scope.

Noting the fluid nature of canon and its ability to change over time, it’s also essential to distinguish it from non-cannon, which refers to material that contradicts or undermines canonical content – this could include anything from external sources such as fan theories to internal disagreement between authors.

Canon events can range in significance or triviality depending on their importance for your character. They could range from embarrassing moments that must be accepted as part of life to big life-altering experiences, while small details that enrich her development could even count.

Prop canon is another canon in movies and TV shows, consisting of physical objects deemed canonical due to their appearance onscreen – such as college degrees, driver’s licenses, or any physical evidence presented as proof for characters’ stories or developments within the show. Unfortunately, such props often become outdated later due to later dialogue or action within it.


TikTok users cannot avoid seeing the latest viral trend: “I can’t interfere, it’s a canon event.” This new slang word has taken over social media as users use it to jokingly describe experiences they believe everyone must go through as part of growing into themselves and becoming better versions of themselves. While these experiences might be uncomfortable or awkward at times, their overall message remains quite positive – that these moments help us grow into who we truly are and become our best selves.

Originating in religious contexts, this phenomenon has gained prominence amongst sci-fi and fantasy fandom communities due to their avid engagement with various franchises. Similar to the filler episode trend that took over social media last fall, but with an emphasis more on humor associated with different stages in our lives.

Canon events are pivotal components of fictional universes’ stories and narratives. A canon event might involve something as mundane as character deaths, milestones, or significant happenings that impact their surroundings. This concept is also prevalent in video game and comic book franchises where fans can explore this canon event’s timeline for meaning in their story.

Canon events are official parts of a world’s mythology; however, stories that deviate from this standard plot could still be considered non-canon. A non-canon story might include spin-offs or alternative narrative versions of the main storyline.

Canon events are key moments that define each Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen universe. They could include tragic deaths like Uncle Ben or Captain Stacy’s or something as mundane as getting bitten by a radioactive spider.

Canon events in the Marvel Cinematic Universe cannot be altered; altering them would violate Multiverse laws and would involve changing or undermining characters native to that universe, particularly from within that universe. There may be exceptions such as when an Incursions changes it – however, these instances would fall outside this rule.


Canon events are an integral component of the Spider-Man universe. These significant moments link all universes together and cannot be altered in any way, such as Peter Parker getting bit by a radioactive spider, losing someone close to him/her, or Miles Morales fighting with Venom until ultimately becoming Venom himself.

Events of this sort are vital to a hero’s growth, helping them overcome challenges. While such moments may be painful or cringe-inducing, they allow fans to identify with and better comprehend the protagonist.

The latest Spider-Man movie, Across the Spider-Verse, has introduced a new term: canon event. While initially used in comics, this phrase now means real-life events that cannot be altered or prevented. It has especially gained traction on TikTok, where users joke around by sharing their canon events with their followers.

Canon events are life-altering experiences that must occur for the plot to move forward, often painful experiences that alter lives forever – for instance losing a friend to cancer or watching your parents struggle with Alzheimer’s.

Canon has long been part of pop culture. Originating in religion as a tool to define what was holy and true, eventually, canon spread into other genres and became an essential component of fandoms.

As such, many have been left confused as to what exactly constitutes a canon event. Luckily, the internet provides excellent answers. The term has been applied to everything from friends getting hooked up with toxic men to that specific shade of teal used by teenage girls when decorating their rooms. This term aims to be funny and relatable while showing that everyone has unique chapters of life which have contributed to who they are today.