
Review of Prestigia Hotel Booking

Before making your booking with Prestigia Hotel Booking, be sure to read their cancellation policy. The website was vague about this issue and did not state whether the hotel would refund the “deposit.” They did say that cancellation penalties apply and that you should contact them to find out how much the sentence is in advance.

Price Performance

Prestigia Hotel Booking is the world’s third most popular hotel booking site, according to TripAdvisor. However, its price performance has suffered over the past year. It has fallen from the number one spot to the number six, and it only finds the lowest rate about two-thirds of the time. While Booking can still find a reasonable rate, it has only hit its highest rate twice in the past seven years.

Price Guarantee

If you find a better rate elsewhere, Prestigia will refund the difference. However, you must book through Prestigia and make your claim within 24 hours or 72 hours before your scheduled arrival. The claim must be based on the same hotel, room type, services, and dates. It should also be based on a hotel that allows free cancellations and modifications to your booking. Finally, a better price cannot result from a travel package or loyalty program.

You must agree to the terms and conditions to get the price guarantee. First, you have to agree to PHG’s Terms and Conditions. Second, the hotel should offer a lower price on its website. However, this is not always possible. In some cases, PNG will not be able to meet the claim.

To qualify for the Price Guarantee, you must have booked a room with a connecting room. You can make a Price Match Guarantee claim online or over the phone. Make sure that the name on the suit matches that on your reservation.


Prestigia’s best rate guarantee is appealing, but it’s not without its faults. First of all, the site’s cancellation policy is vague. It doesn’t say whether the hotel will refund the “deposit,” nor does it specify how much it will charge for a cancellation. Secondly, the site’s cancellation policy only applies if a customer cancels within 24 hours of booking.

Prestigia Rooms is located on Via Roma, a famous street in Florence. It is a five-minute walk from the Santa Maria Novella train station. The hotel’s rooms have free Wi-Fi and tablet access. The property is also located close to the Cathedral.