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What is a Narcissist?

Narcissistic people believe that they are special and unique. They believe they are above the average and only want to associate with people of high status. It is not…

What is Motion?

Motion is a state of continuous change in the physical configuration of a system. It can be either a static or a dynamic process. There are several types of motion,…

What Does AFK Mean?

AFK is an acronym for "away from keyboard." In a game, it means you're not using the keyboard to play the game. Many players use AFK to throw opponents off guard. It is…

What Is Compassion Meaning?

Several factors influence the level of compassion. The first is our ability to identify suffering. If we can identify with others, we are more likely to be compassionate…

What Does Nepotism Mean?

Nepotism is a type of corruption. It occurs because people value kinship more than loyalty. This practice often occurs in countries or organizations without strict…

Efficacy Meaning in Business

Efficacy is a word used in pharmacology and medicine, and Christian theology. It refers to the therapeutic effect of a drug in clinical settings. In medicine, efficacy…