
Cat’s Pajamas Plant

This hardy hybrid catmint thrives in sunny landscape locations. Its compact mounds make ideal borders and cottage gardens, adding unexpected pops of color into rock gardens or providing pollinator habitat in veggie plots – not to mention being great aromatic filler plants for shrubs and perennials!

It blooms earlier than other catmints.

A tidy plant, this versatile specimen thrives in small gardens, container plants, and sunny courtyards. Additionally, it makes an attractive border around veggie gardens to attract pollinating bees and low-maintenance front garden edging. Furthermore, its sturdy constitution can withstand sun, heat, drought conditions, and even animal pressure!

Cat’s Pajamas’ is unlike older varieties that only bloom near the top of the flower stems; instead, it blooms to the ground, producing beautiful purple calyxes that last months after its flowers fade – and blooms about 2-3 weeks earlier than other catmint varieties! This 2021 Proven Winners Perennial of the Year also blooms around 2-3 weeks earlier!

Planting Cat’s Pajamas in full sun to achieve maximum results is best. Avoid wet or heavy soil that could lead to root rot; amending clay soil with organic matter like shredded bark can improve its condition significantly. After six weeks since establishment, water the ground regularly, keeping it moist but not saturated.

This hybrid catmint makes an eye-catching focal point in cottage gardens, drawing bees and butterflies while adding a vibrant splash of blue to perennial borders. It pairs beautifully with yellows and purples, especially yellow-flowered Dianthus like “Paint the Town Fuchsia” dianthus or late summer blooming perennials like Spilled Wine weigela (shown above). Furthermore, this cultivar is a striking focal point in rock gardens, xeric sun gardens, or as border edges along pathways and walkways – making ‘Cat’s Pajamas’ an indispensable addition.

It blooms to the ground

2021 Proven Winners Perennial of the Year, ‘Cat’s Pajamas Catmint’ has earned itself recognition as 2021 Proven Winners Perennial of the Year for producing indigo blue flowers that reach down to the ground, featuring striking rosy purple calyxes that add extra color after blooms have faded. This compact round habit makes for great use in smaller gardens and sunny courtyards as an edging plant in cottage gardens and rock gardens, pairing well with yellow flowering perennials like Dianthus or Weigela species such as ‘Paint the Town Fuchsia’ or Weigela species such as ‘Spilled Wine’ weigela species.

This tough hybrid Nepeta is perfect for use in pollinator gardens, xeric sun gardens, or perennial borders because it tolerates heat and drought once established, doesn’t split open, and attracts bees and hummingbirds. Furthermore, this plant makes an excellent edging plant around vegetable and herb beds, heightens cutting gardens, or as an adornment in Knot Gardens.

Plant the ‘Cat’s Pajamas’ in full sun and moist-to-dry soil, watering regularly until established, then gradually taper off watering until your desired moisture level has been achieved. Catmint thrives best when planted in either spring or fall – For optimal success during spring, it is wise to loosen its roots after taking them out of their containers to reduce root memory.

It doesn’t split open.

Cat’s Pajamas, a new hybrid Nepeta with a refined habit, is an excellent addition to smaller spaces and sunny courtyard gardens. Its low-maintenance mounds serve as perfect low-maintenance edging or border plants; its blooms last from early summer until fall with their vibrant rosy calyces continuing to shine after colors have passed their peak. Plus, this hardy perennial attracts pollinators and bees.

This zone-3 perennial can tolerate heat, full sun, and moderate drought conditions. Its scalloped green foliage has an alluring scalloped texture and looks beautiful even when not blooming, while its minty scent makes it unpalatable to deer and rabbits. Furthermore, this plant makes an excellent, long-lasting cut flower bouquet addition!

Since ‘Cat’s Pajamas’ is an early bloomer perennial, it pairs nicely with plants that bloom around the same timeframe. For instance, you could pair it with Dianthus ‘Paint the Town Fuchsia’ and Weigela’s ‘Spilled Wine’ for an eye-catching display in cottage or rock gardens. Furthermore, its versatility makes it suitable for borders, hell strips, and ground cover uses; beautiful pairings include blue-toned grasses such as Blue Ribbon Fescue and ‘Tuscan Sun’ perennial sunflower.

It’s easy to grow.

Nepeta ‘Cat’s Pajamas’ makes an excellent addition to smaller gardens, container gardens, or sunny courtyards. This hybrid catmint blooms long into fall from early summer onwards with unique indigo blue flowers with pretty rosy purple calyces that bloom to the ground! Once established in full sun with well-drained soil, it resists deer and rabbits well and is heat and drought-tolerant once established; plus, its aromatic leaves add fragrance for herb or cutting gardens, making it ideal as an edger or companion plant in rose beds or knot gardens!

Plant ‘Cat’s Pajamas’ in front of tall perennials such as Dianthus ‘Paint the Town Fuchsia’ and Sunflowers such as Tuscan Sun for an eye-catching display. Additionally, this planter works great alongside agaves, heucheras, and salvias to complete any collection.

Cat’s Pajamas’ is an ideal selection for pollinator and cottage gardens, as its flowers attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and more. Additionally, its flowers last longer than most catmints, with the vibrant purple calyces remaining after blooms have faded for an added show. Additionally, this compact plant makes an excellent filler in borders or foundation plantings due to its mounded habit that fits tight spaces; additionally, irrigating regularly will keep its soil damp. Ensure it gets at least six hours of sun daily for optimal growth!