
How to Clean Mechanical Keyboard


If you are wondering how to clean mechanical keyboard, you have come to the right place. There are plenty of resources available for you to learn more about the best ways to make your computer look new. This article will teach you how to use ethyl alcohol or acetone to clean your keyboard. You will also learn how to remove critical caps and clean crumbs off your keys.

Removing the keycaps

Removing the keycaps on your keyboard is easy if you follow the proper steps. It will also help you clean your keyboard in the process. However, eliminating keys without the appropriate tools may damage your keyboard.

If your keyboard is a mechanical keyboard, then you should be able to remove the keys without too much trouble. Again, this is easier than removing the keys on a membrane keyboard.

You can use a keycap puller to remove the keycap from a mechanical keyboard. Most of these will come with your keyboard. But you can get one elsewhere if you prefer. Having a keycap puller is better than using a screwdriver or a hammer. You will need to hold it firmly with one hand.

Using a topical cleaner

Using a topical cleaner to clean a mechanical keyboard may not be as tricky as it sounds. Most latter models will feature removable keycaps, making them easier to clean than a model with fixed keycaps. Regardless of the brand, however, there are some tips and tricks to keep your keys clean.

First, you want to flip your keyboard and clean it well. This will eliminate dust and grime that can overtake your keys before you know it. You can also do the same trick with a dry cloth. But it’s not advisable to use a damp cloth on electrically charged parts of your keyboard.

Next, you want to find a product that will do the best job cleaning your keyboard. A good product can be found at most office supply stores.

Using ethyl alcohol or acetone

Using ethyl alcohol or acetone to clean mechanical keyboards can help remove grime from the keys. However, it’s important to remember that these solvents are flammable, so be cautious.

If you’re looking for a way to clean your keyboard without a vacuum cleaner, you may consider using a lint-free cloth. You can also use an all-purpose cleaner like Windex to remove dirt.

Using a cotton swab is a good solution for cleaning your keyboard keys. These are a great way to clean in tight areas, such as between the keys. However, they can be dampened before use, and you should dispose of them after removing enough grime.

You can also use a regular brush to scrub your keys. However, this can leave a thick layer of grime behind, so you’ll need to deep clean the keyboard again if you want to remove all the debris.

Getting Cheetos crumbs off the keyboard

Getting Cheetos crumbs off mechanical keyboards is not for the faint of heart. Luckily, cleaning your computer peripherals is not a bad idea, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of the screen.

If you end up with a little snack on your hands, the best way to avoid a mess is to keep your hands off the keyboard. This means you should use the proper utensils, such as a fork or spoon, to eat your chips and keep your fingers to a minimum.

While at it, don’t forget to turn over your keyboard occasionally to get rid of accumulated crumbs. Investinginvest in a small handheld vacuum with an extension is an excellent way to do this brush.

Deep cleaning vs. light cleaning

If you’re looking to extend the life of your mechanical keyboard, you should consider a thorough cleaning at least once a week. This prevents grime and oil from accumulating and prolongs the life of your keyboard.

An excellenthandheld vacuum cleaner is a  way to clean a keyboard. Some models come with a brush attachment for this purpose. It can reach inaccessible corners. However, ensure the extension is not strong enough to break your keyboard.

You can also use compressed air. When compressed, the air cart around the keyboard, but it can also condenscondense keyboard parts. That’s why you don’t want to force it into the keyboard.

Another option is to use a damp microfiber cloth. If you don’t have a fabric, you can use a dry one to dry the keyboard.