
Lucidfx Course Review – Is FX Lucid a Scam?

Lucidfx Course Reviews is an educational program created to teach traders how to manage their most precious assets: money, time and knowledge. It includes pre-recorded videos, reading material and online quizzes that aim to teach participants valuable life lessons.

The foundation course introduces topics such as depth of market (DOM) and institutional order flow, price action strategies, the reason behind price movement and how to read charts.

No demo account

This course is offered via pre-recorded videos, reading materials, online quizzes and peer assessments. It covers the fundamentals of equity trading as well as US bonds, options and futures trading. Students complete an “Applied Learning Project”, using a demo account to simulate trading environments.

This platform lacks an official license with any international regulator and there is no record of them on company register. Therefore, contact with them is impossible; an indication that this platform operates under false pretenses.

What sets NV apart from other traders is his institutional experience rather than price action strategies which resemble drawings on charts without real meaning. Furthermore, the absence of a demo account should serve as a warning sign.

No license

FX Lucid is not a licensed broker or trading platform. When we contacted international regulatory bodies for verification purposes, none could provide evidence that FX Lucid had obtained one; this should serve as a red flag to potential new investors.

This website contains content protected by copyright, trademarks and other forms of intellectual property laws. Without prior written authorization from LucidFX you are not authorized to reproduce, republish, modify, distribute or create derivative works using its contents.

Momodou Njie and the administrators of LucidFX Insights Telegram Channel and Fast Track Course do not represent themselves as licensed financial advisors; their content on these channels reflects their personal trading styles and opinions only, not any potential losses that might occur as a result of using any advice found here.

Over the moon claims

Lucidfx boasts 18, 289 registered traders on their platform, giving new traders an illusion that it is trustworthy and can be relied upon. Unfortunately, however, this is far from being the case – their registration details are vague and not regulated by any international regulatory bodies; additionally their custom made platform has not been subjected to rigorous testing so no way of knowing its stability or how well it executes trades is available; for this reason it would be prudent to seek alternative platforms as Lucidfx appears to be running scam operations from within.

No support

Fx Lucid has not been approved by any regulatory authorities and we were unable to establish who operated this platform, given it does not appear on any company register. This should serve as an early warning signal and signal any untrustworthiness with which Fx Lucid might conduct business.

Content shared in Momodou Njie’s Telegram channel and Fast Track Course represents his personal opinions and trading styles; neither he nor the admins offer financial advice, and none of the shared material should be treated as an invitation or advice to buy or sell securities, cryptocurrency, foreign exchange currency pairs, commodities index futures etc.

No material from the School may be transferred or reposted on another website without prior approval from it, including taking steps such as removing copyright and proprietary notices. You must comply with all applicable laws.